You are on a path of sacred discovery. Even when you sway, you know there is no turning back.
You know your Life takes your full response-ability and you would enjoy support in integrating difficulties.
You long to move from clarity and discern the voice of Truth in your own Being.
You feel there is a deeper Love and Joy available to you within yourSelf and in Relationships.
Your desire to embody your Soul's potential is ready to be satiated.
Practical Applications into your Daily Life through:
Transformative Coaching and Spiritual Mentorship
Nervous System Health
Energetic Support, Nourishment and Guidance
Listening and Aligning with your Core Essence
Deepening Somatic Awareness and Embodiment
Shadow Integration – We will open into the digestion of the shadow (unconscious zones) in order to bring creativity, inspiration and vitality. The path to Freedom and Awakening. Although we work through energy of the past through the physical, emotional and subtle body, this is not therapy.
Self Love and Personal Practice – Honoring your Unique path.
Empowerment Readings – Stepping into clarity, moving with discernment, and supporting your innate wisdom.
Relationship, Polarity and Sexuality – What keeps Eros alive and thriving in your Relationships? How do we create a field of healing and awakening together? What aspects must be met in you to be open, alive and creative within your own Being and with another? How do we work to re-pattern attachment wounds? How do we work with Conflict and Shadow dynamics?
Project Facilitation– Do you have a project that you are birthing? Feeling stuck or stagnant? Feeling confusion or a loss of inspiration? Together we will see what stands in the way in your manifestation process and support the purification.
Group and Ensemble Work- Do you currently work in co-creation? Have you done a great deal of personal work, and are now wondering how your team can come together in higher levels of synergy and coherence? Are our current global challenges affecting how your team operates? Learn how to achieve greater coherence in your group and work with present challenges.
Evolutionary Facilitation
Single Session
-Somatic Integration
-Shadow Clarification
-Spiritual Mentorship & Practice
-Trauma Informed
- Vedic Astrology Guidance
Ignite you Journey - 90 Days
90 days to Stabilize and Birth a new expression in the World.
-6 Hour Sessions in Three Months
-Home Practice
- Includes Weekly E-mail Support